SUNDAY ~ DEC 15 ~ 5:30PM - 8:30PM
Plum Tree Yoga ~ Roswell
How are you aligning as Your world is transforming?
Are you in ease and flow or are you in struggle and stuckness?
Are you being gripped in the illusion of your stories?
Has your lens been smeared with conscious and unconscious patterns of judging and comparing?
Is this way of thinking taking you down the rabbit hole?
Let’s POP the bubble and end 2019 in full celebration of the Truth of Who We Are!
In this workshop, we will take a deep dive with very powerful meditations and processes that blow open the Mind’s tenacles that keep you looping. These processes Reboot and Supercharge awakening your Divine conscious ~ heart alignment. We will focus on how to create and sustain your personal Divine relationship.
We Are Going To Delve into How to Nurture & Increase ‘Self Love’
Realizing you are an inextinguishable source of light & love
You may be seeing circumstances of your life as indicators of BIG, imminent transformations. YOU are getting ready to experience profound next-level upgrades as old ‘stuff’ is dropping away.
Are you ready? Are you a bit anxious? Are you aware of those disruptive, chattering conversations that have been controlling your life?
Aligning with Your New Reality reveals:
√ The sacredness and depth for living from your heart intelligence - Trust that life is working for you.
√ How to engage with your SuperHero by tapping into your core desire to live in Awareness, Fulfillment, Gratefulness, Abundance and Joy each day consistently.
√ How to receive Divine guidance to partner with the energies of the Universe for empowerment and libertation connected to your highest potential.
Endless possibilities exist in the Presence when we live from that Awareness. Each moment you have a choice. Do you choose to be Present, or do you allow yourself to wander off into endless unconscious thought.
CHALLENGE: We Have become absorbed into the past and future world of the mind. In this way, we disconnect from the present moment.
SOLUTION: Specific energetic processes will be given to ignite and deepen your Heart Experience of 'truly living' rather than existing in the daydream of the mind.
As an integral part of the workshop to ‘anchor’ and further support your experiences is the powerful and mystical SUPREME LIGHT OF SUPREME LOVE Meditation (open eye). A special initiation will be given.
The SLSL Meditation is an ancient Eastern technology, handed down through the ages for deeper acceleration of one’s internal Heart intelligence connection. This Divine reflection connection alignment is actually an energetic neuro-biological attunement for living in a higher dimensional reality of peace and contentment as one's path of Mindfulness unfolds.