A course to SHIFT your consciousness towards inner peace, improved health, increased gratitude, deeper states of joy, calm mind...and Happiness
This program will be offered Live simultaneously in USA/Canada locations via interactive web teleconferencing using Zoom. Everyone is welcomed.
Those who have attended experienced an evolutionary shift with tangible breakthroughs -- experiencing their ordinary life as Extraordinary in new ways that do not fade. To live in an awakening state, a transformational shift in perception must happen. To perceive life differently you must have a change in how the brain functions.
Ancient Sacred Practices, Powerful Teachings, and Meditations by Enlightened Teachers are imbued with "mystical processes" which will absolutely impact and transform your Consciousness.
Join us to move beyond the Mind's daydream and survival strategies to actualizing the highest reaches of your potential by plugging into the heart intelligence of your true nature. Be ready to experience a life-altering realignment.
As we make the shift and/or deepen in our embodiment of awakening, we become catalysts for others to also shift and together we build the momentum for the New Humanity known as the Golden Age.
The results you can expect:
LESS: mind chatter, resistance, stress, negativity, effort, judgment of self and others, hurts and dissapointments, craving, self-righteousness, procrastination, fear, self-centeredness, anxiety and suffering.
MORE: inner peace, relaxation, improved health, money, acceptance, accomplishment, connection with self & others, presence, friends, love, freedom, contribution, gratitude, and joy.
What others shared who attended as their results...
• Stopped the mind’s looping thoughts and dissatisfaction, actual neurological shift felt
• Dissolved the mind’s incessant stories from the past and projections of future possibilities
• Continuous calm, stillness, clarity & elevated expanded consciousness
• Deepened awareness & witnessing that effortlessly released resistance & suffering
• Anchored incredible states of joy & happiness for no reason as a pathway to an Awakened life
• Auspicious amazing happenings that overrode conditioning and judgement to truly living in Presence
• Felt like a magic wand was waved and layers of suffocating patterns and mindsets disappeared
Give yourself this Gift!
Early Bird thru midnite Feb 11 - $152
Take the day off. Trade hours with a co-worker. Do what you must, but don't miss this incredible opportunity!
Testimonials from Recent Participants:
This day of immersion was recently offered to over 1200 participants in USA/Canada. Here are a few of their experiences:
"The way the whole day was laid out allowed for my deepening to take place gradually and effectively. The Great Compassionate Light image on screen seemed alive and pulsating incredible energy. Even when it was not on the screen, light was emanating throughout the room. I saw different great beings appearing such as Yogananda, Jesus, Ramana, Lady of Guadalupe and others. Another world opened up of complete silence, joy and peace."
"I had so many realizations during the 7 condition processes especially into an old 'hurt' still lingering in my heart. Being able to See it and then feel it fully was like a magic wand that released the pain. I felt so much lighter and brighter."
"Saw how my stories have sucked me back into the past to regurgitate my feelings and justify my present state. I realized they are meaningless and I became super conscious of my story telling and how it allows me to collapse into being unconscious. I feel so invigorated to now be aware and conscious of the stories and let them dissolve and not be trapped and run by those conversations. From this course, I feel propelled towards quiet, peace, laughter, compassion and joy! Thank you so much."
"I am noticing subtle yet powerful mental shifts occurring. I feel centered, calm, and a quiet powerful Presence. Thank you for this growth opportunity."
"I was so surprised to know how many things I take for granted, when I was in the space of ingratitude. It was very humbling and eye opening. I now have a strong awareness and new perception of what is showing up in all ways in life."
"The breathing exercises (Pranayamas) were so powerful and grounding bringing me back into my body to feel more connected to its’ needs. Recognizing so many outdated behavioral patterns and stories my mind creates and then having processes to dissolve them was such an incredible freeing experience!"
"So many things came up, it will take me time to realize it all. One of the big ones was about insensitivity and craving for love. I realized unconscious behavior that has been driving me with the feelings of not feeling lovable, feeling void and lack. I could 'feel' deeply in a way never before and felt freedom. Everything was so simply stated in such a loving way and I felt so nurtured."
"The energy was extraordinarily profound during ALL the processes. I felt like I was in a sacred cave of total love and acceptance. My brain felt like it was pressurized and then flowed into a beautiful expansion. I had so many 'aha' moments for each of the processes and can't wait to see how that unfolds."
"I am feeling more Grateful, Present and Aware. I am being in the moment and just being filled with joy at whatever is in front of me and expressing gratitude for it. So different from how I was always wanting things to be other than they were. I felt my brain open up and expand and actually change. I am feeling so much more happy."
"All the processes were powerful, however, the most powerful for me was coming into the awareness of 'lying to myself'. I never realized that before. And it became crystal clear about the things I need to change in my life to move forward with living an authentic life."
"The guided explorations about each of the 7 conditions really woke me up. I could see how the mind just runs the show and I have been gripped by its’ conversations and thought that was normal. The processes were excellent reminders how we are mislead by stories."
“I came very open, not knowing what to expect, nor did I set an intention. Somehow the combination of the Great Compassionate Light, Pranayama and the input through the slides made an impact that I could tangibly feel in my body and brain. The conditions were so exacting to patterns and games I play within my mind. I am so excited to now have awareness to see these aspects and not be taken over by them.”
“What has been powerful for me is that every topic brought up is something that I have struggled with my whole life. I almost feel like this course was truly made for me! This was so needed and I am extremely grateful to be part of it.”
“Some ‘aha’ moments was becoming conscious of Judgemental nature. I thought I wasn’t a judgemental person and then I realized how much I do that with my immediate family in so many ways. I also became conscious of inauthenticity running through so many actions and feelings. I feel so grateful to integrate these awarenesses so my life will show up differently.”
“I saw clearly how being inauthentic keeps me in endless stories, lacking gratitude and almost constant judgments. Could not believe how powerful it is to just be with and acknowledge the conditions and then with the processes, I could feel the conditions shifting.”
“My most powerful experience was during the story telling section. I realized how many stories I am creating all the time. One inside another. I also saw that others create stories about me and we are then both living inside stories that are not real. I feel much more compassion for myself and others because of the suffering we create from our stories.”
For questions and more information:
Contact: Bhimi Cayce